A friend said to me (chatting online): "Maybe you can show me how to make jewelry. I will never have to buy jewelry again!"
My comeback: Logged off.
I had one of these too!
But then I got really evasive, saying that I buy my wire from the States (via internet), thinking that she might understand my subtleness.. and then she asked me if I could buy the wire for her!
wow, I should think about this a bit more but I did have someone grab my button machine and ask me how it works without asking to touch it. Never touch an artists tools without asking! Don't touch musical instruments, tools that seem like they could be in a tool box like pliers or those fancy artists pens, just don't do it.
Also, every couple of months I get an e-mail from some local person I don't even know who wants to borrow my button machine. They tell me that they want to make buttons and not have to pay my prices!? I usually answers by saying "My button machine is my tool of my trade. I don't think you would ask a random carpenter you didn't know if you could borrow their table saw."
Customer: "where do you get all your supplies?"
Me: *thinking to myself "that is the rudest question to EVER ask a designer"....i said to her w/flat-pan grin "...i get all of it from planet earth." ~ which is a true statement.
"Will you teach me to do that?" (Subtext: "...because I don't want to pay you for something you can teach me for free to make myself...")
"I wonder where she got her supplies"
It's usually "How did you make those?"
To which I usually answer "One at a time."
(One young man of about 13 replied to that, in his best Robert DiNero "So, you ain't gonna tell me?")
I had one guy ask me if I had gold items so he could melt them down. Then he asked me where I got all my stuff.
Ummm... :/
Most often overheard at my booth: a all too common scene:
Nice Lady: "Oh my daughter makes jewelry"
Me: "Yes, I think about 20% of the population does it for a hobby or proffession, it is the sewing of yesterday"
Nice Lady: "My daughter needs to come over here! (calls on cell- "OH daughter- come check this stuff out! You should totally come make this designs and charge so much more!" While looking directly at me)
Me: Is she coming over?
Nice LAdy: Yes, she is, she was just over by the handmade candies
Me: Oh, good, I love to talk with other bead lovers..
Nice lady's daughter : OMG! I love this! Mom, I should totally copy and sell for more! You are so right!!! Hey- you- bead artist, where do you get your beads so I can buy them? I like totally want to make this myself
ME: I have them custom cut and made just for me. Takes 9 months and thousands of dollars (Truth)
Nice LAdy; OH! Daughter! I am so sad for you! You can make so much more money than her if you could do that!
Me: Why dont I give you my bead suppliers name and contact info
Nice Lady 's daughter: That is like so totally unfair! That would take forever!I hate you! I want your beads now! You make it really difficult for others to earn a living at this business!!!
ME: Well, I spent 5 years working for others while doing my jewelry line so I would not spend a dime on credit for supplies and very slowly built up my purchasing abilities. This has taken 11 years for me to get here. No easy road for me.
Nice Lady's daughter: Mom, buy me that necklace so I can resell for 3 times that amount
Me: happy to sell that to you..
Nice ladys daughter: Why dont you just sell me the necklace for what the beads cost you, I think you should because I am a beader too and buy from Fire Mt.
Me: ( It takes me to hear this before I think: WTF????) I am so sorry, but I need to sell at what it is priced at. My babys need food you know!
Nice Lady: Why dont I make it up to you by buying you that nice handbag you want
Nice ladys daughter: Pout....
I love art and craft fairs. I was at the Christmas craft fair last year. There were 2 ladies stop by my booth. They examined everything inside and out the say: "Would you show me how to make this. I don't want to buy, I can make it if you'll show me how" Wow, I said: "Why would I want to do that? How much do you want to pay for the lesson?"
They left without saying a word.
"Where do you get your stuff from? I was thinking of doing the same thing, but I don't know where to get the stuff" !
As you can see most artists and crafters find this type of thing rude and belittling. We really don't mind giving tips about techniques and supplies if you are a serious crafter but don't expect us to give away the farm just so you don't have to pay for something you think you can make yourself.
Usually, if the person is serious about starting a "craft" and making jewelry I might point that person in the right direction. After all, if they go online they will find the information regardless. I don't really have time to teach. I barely have time to create! And if I was to teach anyone I would definitely charge for my time and supplies.
I have had people ask me oh how do you make that? Basically just to see what information they can get out of me... I laugh and tell them "I can't." or "Sure I can tell you, but I charge $30 an hour for my time." Short, plain, simple, straight to the point.
I still do not understand why people think it is just a hobby. Yes I do have a full time job, but I also work on my jewelry practically full time as well. The fact that we sell our work online, on craft shows/fairs, makes it more than just a hobby, but some people take that for granted.